Deliver childcare to a Seattle artist today…
Artists need childcare Seattle is a special place that cherishes art and recognizes the value that its most creative citizens bring to the city. Despite this, many of our artists with families struggle to find the time and resources to raise small children and grow and nurture their careers at the same time. One of the largest concerns for many of these artists is finding and affording reliable childcare. The Many Hands Project has a simple goal: help Seattle artists get quality childcare, when they need it. To do this we offer small grants up to $100 through a streamlined application process to help artist parents get care for their children while they are working.
“Many hands make light work” has been a motto in our family band for a long time, and we believe that if we all give a hand we can help these parents get the help they need so they can continue to make art and nurture their careers to the benefit of us all.
Bring a smile to an artist with a gift today.
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If you have any questions about making a monetary donation please email our Operations Coordinator, Jared Cortese at
© 2023 The Many Hands Project